This course is open to all karate-ka regardless of grade or association.
Shinichiro Takenoshita Sensei
Saturday 7th December 2024
10am - 12pm & 12:30pm - 2pm Black & Brown belts
SCD Leisure Tallaght,
Fortunestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Adults €35 (10am - 2pm);
Children (under 16 years): €25 (10am -2pm)
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Takenoshita Sensei is a senior member of the HDKI and represents the HDKI in Japan. A graduate of Waseda University, he is a well known figure within the karate scene in Tokyo, training and teaching with many groups. He is also the senior student of Honda Sensei, the leader of the Noguchi-Kai, a Shotokan line of karate from Funakoshi Sensei, through Waseda University.