Rick Hotton

Rick Hotton

June 11th 2022

Tallaght Leisure Centre, Furtunestown Way, Dublin 24

10am to 12pm, 12.30pm to 2pm

Adults €35, Children (under 16) €25


Rick Sensei started training in 1970 at the West Wind Dojo in Florida. In 1976 he inherited the dojo and since then has remained its instructor. Originally a member of the USKA, Rick Sensei moved to Richard Kim’s group in 1989 and since that time has endeavored to train and learn from as many instructors as possible. As well as karate, Rick is a long-time student of Matsugi Saotome, who is considered to be one of the best Aikido masters in the world today. He is also a professional cartoonist and his stripe, Holy Mole, is syndicated throughout North America.
Rick now travels the world giving seminars of his unique brand of karate through his charismatic and affable teaching style.

This course is open to all karate-ka regardless of grade or association.


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